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"KINGONE" provides sea, air and express direct FBA warehouse / overseas warehouse / private address to door service for all e-commerce customers. For FBA warehouses located in the United States, Europe, Japan and Canada, we provide safe and reliable transportation products. Customized personalized services according to the customer's own needs, and special personnel to follow up the processing to ensure the speed of customs clearance.

KINGONE" FBA logistics advantages:

1: In view of the particularity of the traditional logistics operation of FBA first-haul transportation, Shenzhen Changting International Logistics Co., Ltd. was established in 2016 to independently operate the FBA sector to better understand the needs of cross-border e-commerce customers and efficiently and flexibly solve cross-border e-commerce. Customer's logistics problems;
2. In-depth development of the US market, for the US market, we have developed complete dedicated line channels such as direct shipping for special shipping lines / Haika unpacking / Haipai tax package / Meisen Express / Airmail, etc., to fully meet the logistics of cross-border e-commerce in the United States Demand; in Los Angeles / New Jersey / Chicago / Dallas / Oakland / Atlanta / Houston / Seattle, etc., they have their own or long-term overseas warehouses to assist in handling overseas warehouse operations such as cargo storage / demolition and transportation / return and exchange of labels throughout the United States;
3. On the basis of American logistics, the shipping channel of Japan / Europe / Canada is expanded according to its own logistics professional foundation, and the cargo safety and timeliness requirements of cross-border e-commerce are stably guaranteed;
4. Own large-scale collection warehouse, 360 ° warehouse monitoring without dead corners to ensure the safety of goods.
5. With many years of traditional logistics operation experience, familiar with major shipowners / airlines / customs / vehicles and other supporting operating experience at home and abroad, to avoid risks in all links.
6. UPS / DEDEX / DPD and other courier company accounts that have advantages abroad, have a perfect overseas cooperative fleet dispatch team, optimize the logistics cost of the foreign segment while ensuring safe and fast delivery of goods into the warehouse;
7. KINGONE advantage channels:
Global FBA warehouse / Overseas warehouse and other marine FCL transportation customs clearance and delivery services
U.S. FBA warehouse / Overseas warehouse and other bulk sea transportation customs clearance delivery service
American Air / International Express
Japan Bulk Shipping Shipping Clearance Delivery Service
Europe / Canada Bulk Shipping Clearance Customs Delivery Service
U.S. bulk shipments to overseas warehouse storage and a delivery service
U.S.-Japan return and exchange service